2、Wealth is nothing without health。失去健康,钱再多也没用。
3、The playing area is demarcated by a white line。运动场地以白线为界。
4、Games is one of my scar, he became my shadow。运动会是我的一个疤,成为了我的阴影。
5、You know why kids love player? Because they pursue their dreams。你知道孩子为什么从崇拜运动员吗?是因为他们追寻自己梦想。
6、Success belongs to the persevering。坚持就是胜利。
7、This reflected a migration of truly awesome proportions。这是一种真正骇人的人口迁移运动。
8、The choreography,which combines artistry and athletics,is extremely innovative。兼有艺术和运动的舞蹈艺术是极具创新意义的
9、Life is movement? Life is still! You see that lying bastard lived for many years !生命在于运动?生命在于静止!你看王八趴那活了多少年!
10、 in morning, there are a lot of old men doing exercise in the park。 早上在公园锻炼的老头儿特别的多。
11、a campaign redolent of machine politics。使人联想起机器**的运动
12、What’s the Mountaineering Club doing this weekend?这个周末登山俱乐部有何活动?
13、We'll enlist him in our movement我们要他参加我们的运动。
14、I like to walk the life, sports brought me a lot of fun。我生平喜欢步行,运动给我带来了无穷的乐趣。
15、Skiing,snowboarding,cross country skiing and ice sports in winter。冬天的运动有:滑雪、滑雪板运动、越野滑雪和冰上运动;

16、A motion of the hand or the waving of a wand。挥动手的运动或棍棒的挥动
17、If this is a generation of sports, it must be done by this generation。如果这是一个世代的运动,就必须由这个世代来做。
18、The green campaign is a global phenomenon。绿色运动是全球性的现象。
19、regular physical exercises can strengthen one’s resistance against illness。 经常锻炼身体,能够提高人体的抵抗力。
20、Weather getting cold, movement and let your body temperature ……天气渐冷,运动让你的身体升温……
21、Exercise is good for circulation。运动有益于血液循环。
22、the racket used in paddle tennis or table tennis。碰碰网球或乒乓球运动中使用的球拍。
23、i’ve just learned how to exercise with clubs。 我新学了一套棒操锻炼身体。 my grandfather exercises with his healthcare balls every day。 我爷爷每天都拿着保健球锻炼。
24、Death can become a martyr prophet, the noble ideas into a powerful movement。死亡能将预言家变成殉道者,将崇高的思想变成强大的运动。
25、Exercise should always, adhere to, and machines, regular exercise did not rust。锻炼身体要经常,要坚持,人和机器一样,经常运动才不能生锈。
26、Marked by or moving in a wavelike form or motion; sinuous。波状的或以波浪式运动的;起伏不平的
27、Her favourite sport is riding the breaker in。她最喜欢的运动是冲浪。
28、Life is not only to sports, but is frustrating。 Movement keeps the body healthy, toss to make life meaningful。生命不只在于运动,更在于折腾。运动使身体健康,折腾使生活有意义。
29、Those men and women who are toss, do not wearies: Life is movement, it would be doomed love toss。那些正在折腾着的男男女女们,别嫌烦:生命在于运动,爱情那就注定折腾。
30、Sitting from time to time, no section diet, extravagant in appetite, and stingy sports, this number who pathogenic great source also。起居之不时,饮食之无节,侈于嗜欲,而吝于运动,此数者,致病之大源也。